29 December 2009
Charice - I wanna Run to You
I know, that when you look at me
there`s so much that you
just don't see,
but if you would only take the time,
I know in my heart you'd find
Oh! a girl who's scared sometimes,
who isn't always strong.
Can't you see the hurt in me,
I feel so all alone.
I wanna run to you.
I wanna run to you.
Won't you hold me in your arms
and keep me safe from harm
I wanna run to you,
but if I come to you
Tell me, will you stay?
or will you run away?
Each day, each day I play the role
of someone, always in control,
but at nights, I come home
and turn the key.
There's nobody there, no
one cares for me, Oh!
What's the sense, of
trying hard to find your
without someone to share it with.
Tell me what does it mean.
I need you here
I need you here to wipe away my tears to kiss away my fears
If you only knew
How much
28 December 2009
Meaning of ...
a. | to abandon hope; despair. |
b. | to desist from; renounce: to give up smoking. |
c. | to surrender; relinquish. |
d. | to devote (oneself) entirely to: She gave herself up to her job and seldom saw her old friends. |
26 December 2009
My collections of...
Coach Bags!!! This is my 4th Coach item!! I'm actually eying another bag but i got to wait for next month's pay than can buy... Brought too many items le!! Budget is getting tight!
Not that i'm a great fan of coach.. but i just love their bags..
Great design, prices are affortable...
Can't imagine my reactions will be when i visit US Coach Factory Outlet!!
Sure go crazy...
But now, I must learn self-control!!
What are my needs and wants??
Need: Canon EOS 450D
Wants: Kate spade bag
Shopping is addictive
Shopping for bags, shoes and clothing is something all girls will do.. and it's also our favorite hobby!!
Yup, for me.. I've also love Pazzion shoes!! And I've a total of 8 pairs from this store!!
I think it's time for me to stop shopping for shoes!!! Well... can't really stop forever... Maybe just for a few months or until 1 of any pair give up on me...
Oh.. I'm waiting for USA toots to arrive in SG!!!
Going to be broke!! =(
23 December 2009
What am i doing???
How i wish that i could get such love story too.. but well..
Like what she state in her blog that stop loving bad guy... {M} looks like a nerd but... maybe there is some elements that we both are missing in this relationship..
Haiz.. or maybe it's just the long distance relationship that make it difficult for it to work out.
I believe in faith. We had been thru many hurdles.
I think time will make us think clearer..
Nice Song from
A beautiful song...
Oh Come now, come now Emmanuel
I'm missing you, I'm waiting for your spell
Without you my heart will fade
I'll weather if your love is delayed
Come now, come now Emmanuel
I'm waiting for your hypnotizing spell
O Come O Come my darling eye
I'm dreaming of your supernatural high
The thought of you is making me shine
You're filling me with love divine
Come now, come now Emmanuel
I'm waiting for your hypnotizing spell
19 December 2009
Smitten by u...
It's such a wonderful gadget!!!
I could read e-books, play games, listen to music, watch movies, skype, msn, facebook and check my emails!!
I love the apps that iphone has... Esp the one on photography...
Too many photos and "cross-process" it to make it looks like lomography..
Of cos, the original lomo is incomparable to iphone's..
Thinking of that, it's been a while since i've went out to take photos.. maybe it's time to plan again!!
Have been taking landscape all the while, would like to try to take street photography...
Something for me to look forward too...
15 December 2009
I got Iphone!!
14 December 2009
Lots of happenings...
11 December 2009
I finally had the courage....
But after a few days, the pain got worst.. so this morning, i couldn't take it any longer, pluck my courage and went to visit dentist.. Knowing that he will want me to extract my tooth..
Since it's killing, i thought.. welll.. just extract then..
Now after the numbess has subside.. the pain is really killing me!!! arg...
I need another 15 more mins before i could drink!!!!
09 December 2009
Aches all over
Back aches...
Tooth aches....
Must be a sign of heaty-ness in my body!!
Time for more herbal tea!!!!!
Right now is the mid of 2week in Dec.. very soon, it's going to be Christmas!! Yeah!!
Love this season cos there are lots of sales goin on, rainy season and presents to received!!!!!!!!!!
Going to take photos of xmas tress and lighting, but also very lazy.. hahaa
Will soon plan a day to bring snowy out for photo shoot!!
07 December 2009
Iphone is coming soon!!!
SINGAPORE: StarHub will make available the iPhone to its subscribers from Wednesday.
It will also offer a range of new 3G mobile plans to meet the different needs of iPhone customers for voice, SMS and data usage.
iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G models will be available for free on the 3G SmartSurf Unlimited plan with a two—year contract. Altogether, four new 3G SmartSurf price plans will be introduced.
Local data usage charges are capped at S$48 monthly. Customers who have pre—registered for the iPhone will be given priority.
Hours after StarHub revealed plans to rollout its iPhones, M1 announced it will do the same this Wednesday.There will be four new iPhone plans offered by M1.
M1 said its iPhone customers will also enjoy call benefits of unlimited free calls to three M1 numbers, per second billing and discounts of up to 35 per cent on subscription fees with the multi—line saver programme.
Local data usage charges are capped at S$36.38, slightly below StarHub’s rates.
In July, SingTel was the first operator to launch the new iPhone 3GS.
— CNA/yb
05 December 2009
Camera Rental!!!
So i went to check out the website and found out that this organization really rents out cameras and accessories for a nominal fee!
LoL! Was very excited to learn about this... cos i'm dying to have my hands on DSLR.. and was actually tempted to buy 1... but due to some reasons, i didn't.. But i know i will buy a DSLR soon!!
And though that this website is good for me to play out some of the DSLR models!!!
It's seems to be quite a good deal... To rent for a day, the charges it less than $100!!
Hmmm... when my next photography trip is confirm, i will definitely rent a camera + lens from this company!!
So excited!!
03 December 2009
Hook of TVB

Just completed a 33 episons of <宫心计>..
The story of <宫心计>..
In the Tong Dynasty, the Emperor and the Imperial family are served by the Imperial Household Bureau. The Imperial Household Bureau is tasked to manage all household services for the Emperor and is made up of four sections. They are Jewels, Attire, Food and Furnishing.
Lau Sam Ho and Yiu Kam Ling were exposed to the Imperial Household bureau at a tender age. The two girls are hardworking and were raised within the disciplines of the palace. Yuen Tsui Wan, the Head of the Jewels Section, and Chung Suet Ha, Head of Attire Section find Sam Ho to be a very kind-hearted girl. They soon start a fight to bring Sam Ho into their own section.
Sam Ho always keeps her mother's last words close to her heart; "Do good deeds, Speak good words, Show goodwill". She lives her life based on that and displays kindness to everyone in the Palace. On the other hand, Kam Ling disagrees with Sam Ho. Kam Ling believes that to survive in the Palace, she has to scheme her way to the top. She finally succeeds to be the Emperor's concubine.
Kam Ling knows that Sam Ho is in love with chess master, Ko Hin Yeung. However she is still jealous of Sam Ho as she knows that Emperor Lee Yi is attracted to Sam Ho. To strengthen her position, Kam Ling accuses Sam Ho of murdering the Empress and condemns her to death. Luckily for Sam Ho, Kam Ling's plan does not fall into place.
Watch how Sam Ho goes up against the scheming Kam Ling, where benevolence triumph over evil.

Now totally hook on
Banker, Cheuk Yat Yuen has a long lost brother, Cheuk Yat Ming. While trying to find him, Yat Yuen mistakenly identify con artist Sa Fu Loi as Yat Ming. Assuming Yat Ming's identity, Fu Loi manages to rise up to be one of the key players in the banking industry. This strange connection of brotherhood has blinded Yat Yuen and Fu Loi's real intentions.
Yat Yuen is kidnapped by a group of rioters overseas. This incident affected him dramatically and he is a changed man. His wife, Ho Tseuk Nin tries her best to comfort and console him but to no avail. To ease his pain, Yat Yuen returns to the arms of his former lover, Tung Chi Ling. Tseuk Nin is devastated when she learns of Yat Yuen and Chi Ling's affair.
Fu Loi enjoys being Yat Ming. This mistaken identity not only brings him financial status but also family warmth and a sweet taste or romance. Fu Loi finds himself falling for Yat Yuen's sister, Cheuk Yat Sum. Yat Sum is also attracted to Fu Loi but she keeps her emotions in check as she thought they are biological siblings. She chooses to remain with her long time admirer, Ko Tok Man.
Fu Loi is upset that Yat Sum rejects his love. He is not willing to give her up but he cannot reveal his true identity. Fu Loi is caught up in a dilemma where he must choose between love and fortune. he finally decides to choose fortune and embark on a journey of no return.
(Resource: http://tvbreview.blogspot.com)
I just read that Forensic Heros is having the 3rd sequel next year.. looking forward as I simply heart the first two sequels.. can't wait!!
Although {M} is not around in SG, I actually have lots of things to keep myself occupied...
- Watching TVB drama serials
- Scrapbooking
Hahaha... Whenever I watch these HK dramas.. It always make me miss HK..
Hmm.. Really wish that i can spend winter season in HK... maybe during Xmas time!!
02 December 2009
Felicia's mind
- Inspiration
- To Create
It's already 1st Dec... another 30 days to end of 2009.
What will 2010 bring for me?? I'm looking forward to a brand new year!!
Of cos with lots of resolutions!!
Hahahaha... Which i must ready fulfill...