Motherhood is very new to me.. many things / times, I actually trial and error with my daughter.
Although information can be easily search online but trust me, you won't really understand
Especially when they describe baby's crying... according to my internet's articles. Babies has different types of cry, just that we do not know how to decipher them. Well, I tried my best and honestly, my baby's cries sounds the same when she is restless, hungry or tired.
So here comes trial and error.... If Danielle starts to cry, it's usually because she is hungry. So first thing is that I will quickly change her diaper when the bm (breastmilk is being heat up). Than it's feeding time. Usually after feeding, she will fall asleep (if I'm lucky). If not she will fuss, than we will have to carry her, place her in her rocker and rock her to sleep. Or place the pacifier in her mouth.
Either one of the above will work and keep her quiet.
So thru my 2.5 months of being a mother.. I came to realised these few baby stuffs are really a LIVE
SAVER for me as a new mother!
Rocker Chair - Fisherprice
Fisher Price - Infant Rocker Chair
Source: Fisher Price website |
This rocker chair is the best thing that came into my life. At first I wanted to purchase those old school type of net backing rocker chair but my hub refuse to let me buy..
My step mum purchase this for Danielle for her 1mth old celebration and this is really a godsend.
The moment we place her in her rocker, rock her for awhile, she fall asleep. On those days / nights, if rocking do not make her sleep, we switch the vibrate mode on. The moment she falls asleep, we switch it off. She loves this rocker till she refuse to sleep in her cot... -__-zzz
I still let her sleep in her cot when I can only do so when she is deep deep asleep.
See how soundly she sleeps... |
Bath Seat Support
When I first tried to give my baby her bath... it scare the hell out of me.. Cause she is so soft and slippery and she will move her arms around. I was so afraid that she will slip out of my hands and even if the water level at the bath tub is shallow.. I still can't imagine what will be the outcome.
So for the longest time, I delegate her shower time to my mil or helper.
It's only till recently, my ex-colleagues gave me this... Now shower time for Danielle is a breeze. I no longer need to panic if she will slip!!!
Musical Mobile
Before Danielle found her love for her rocker chair.. musical mobile makes her fall asleep when we place her in her cot or when she starts to fuss. The moment the music is on, she just keep quiet and listen and sometimes fall asleep while listening.
Now that she is 2.5 months and starts to focus on sights.. we place her on her cot and train her eyesight and she will focus on those cute dangling soft toy! Good job girl!
Baby Shusher App
Download any of the baby shusher app from either Itunes or Play store..
Basically this app just play the "shush" sound repeatedly and apparently babies feels safe and it will soothe them and helps them to fall asleep.
Initially I didn't know about such app and I will manually shush Danielle to sleep... by the time she falls asleep.. I've no voice!
So with this app, I just play it and place it somewhere near her... and I can go off doing my own stuffs.
Another lifesaver!!
Swaddle Sack
Some mothers claims that swaddle sack is damn good for baby especially bedtime!! I belive babies all like to be swaddle as its makes them warms and tight, the feeling like when they are in our womb.
But my dear girl here, only let her swaddle her for the first 2 - 3 weeks... subsequently she refuse to let us swaddle her.. her arms will try to escape.
1 moment she is all nicely swaddle, the next moment, she wriggle her arm out.. |
So I guess this is good for me till my baby is 3 weeks old.
Stream Steriliser
Didn't purchase any kind of electric steam steriliser before I give birth as I thought we could use the old school way of sterilising in a big pot of hot water with all baby's milk bottle and stuffs.
But that works if I can a helper who is good and able to help me. Honestly, sometimes I see the way my helper wash baby's milk bottle... *shake head*
Either it's too much liquid cleanser soap used till her milk bottle smells of the liquid cleanser. Or she will place all her milk bottle to wash in the sink that still have those leftover veg and what nots, in the trap sink, Haiz.
And the best part is, if my helper is in good mood, she will use hot water to throughly rinse the milk bottles. If not, she will pour hot water over it and that's it.
So I purchase Avent's Stream steriliser for $99 during the Taka Baby Fair.
So far these are my few baby products that are life saver to me.. yet to discover other products that can make my life as a new mother easier! This is a steep learning curve and I think I will master it in no time!! ^_^v