I'm so excited about it. This holiday takes a year to prepare and plan in 6 mths time..
Search thru many blogs to check out on attractions places, dinning and most of all hotel!!
I brief checklist..
Bookings of all hotel - checked!
Bookings of domastic flights - checked!
Booking of tours, eg, Alcatraz and Grand Ca yon - checked!
Purchasing of travel insurance - checked!
Changing of US$$$ - Half checked, cos i don't change alot at a time.. greedy me wanted to see if the rate goes down.. But some how it stays at 1.40 and higher.
Passport renewal - checked!
Applied for visa, it's not really a visa.. it's some sort of application form to filled to inform ppl in states to know that you're going there... hmmm - checked!
Purchasing of amusement park tickets - NOT DONE YET!
Yup.. Because there's some wrong with Mr S's card, some how i just can't purchase it online...
I'm soooo happy that im able to visit Disneyland Anaheim
Cos it's my wish to visit all Disneyland in the world... Esp the one in USA!
And I'm going to be there on 4th July which is independence day... Hopefully its not very crowded..
I even get my nails done like Minnie M
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