30 December 2011

Christmas - boxing day 2011

This year's christmas and boxing day might not be very interesting or happening - like hitting the club / pubs!
As I grow older, I don't have the energy to stay up late at clubs and I hate those loud techno music... It hurts my ear! I prefer live band or jazz lounge where you could chill and relax, chat with friends and etc...

So backtrack, this year I spent the day with my fiance and I love every min of it cos we both just love to watch movies thus we had movie marathon!! Cheap and good dinner at my nearby food court + playing with sparklers to end the day for Christmas.
We didn't purchase presents for each other as we both didn't want anything. The fact that we have each other, always loving, have faith is already the greatest gift!

And during Boxing day... I met up with the gals from work ( the close ones ) for chalet. Though I would love to stay overnight but too bad i got to work the next day.. We had fun just having lunch, watching half-watched movies, ordering pizza in and gossip... window shopping online..

We also celebrate my BFF from work as her last day with my company. Going to miss her, especially those gossip chat time we have during work.. can't call her from my work place. But I still wish her my very best in her new job!

They gave me a surprise belated birthday cake cos when it's my birthday last Nov, all of them are either having exams, busy with work or on tight budget so we didn't meet up for our usual birthday gathering.. Thus they decide to post celebrate with me!! Really caught me by surprise and am very touched by they gesture!

The whole gang!

My BFF from work!! Gonna miss her!

Window shopping online.. discuss which and what to buy!
Signing off here... going to get ready for bed! 
It's 1 more day to 2012!!
Get ready your 2012 resolutions??!!


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