18 October 2012

Quote of the day

Many couples who are planning their wedding at certain point of time will get frustrated with each other. Be a guest lists, budgets, flower decoration. Marriage will only work if 2 ppl willing to compromise.

I may have my argument with Mr Lee. But I try not to take things for granted. He has given me alot of things that I want for this wedding thus I decided not to neglect him and asked him to inform Pastor Amos to have prayers including during our solemnization.

I may not be a christian and I know that at this point of time I won't change my faith. Since Mr Lee can't have a church wedding and I can give him this bit.

No harm done. We will have double the blessings. From our parents and God.

Did I also mention that I'm so full of love for Mr Lee? Heheheh..

Weekend is coming! (^_^v)


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