22 February 2013

Photo a Day: Feb 2013 (Part 3)

It's back to my super backlog photo a day post!

Day 10: 3 O'clock

Time for coffee break! Colleague gave me this packet of coffee and it taste and smell nice. Going to buy a pack and keep it in office for my daily consumption! 

Day 11: Entrance

Day 12: Where I ate Lunch?

At Bugis Plus - Rock U, where they are having set lunch promotion! Best part, no smoky smell on me! 

Day 13: Walking

Now I only have 5 pairs of flats which I always wear... Some are going to give up on me soon! Time to stock up my shoes!

Day 14: LOVE

Our 3rd year anniversary falls on Valentine's Day, planned to have a nice dinner and catch a movie or maybe have a little walk around Garden By the Bay. Unfortunately I fall sick and poor Mr Lee have to be at home, looking after me..

And we didn't have the time to celebrate any "post valentine's day" cause we were so busy with work!!!
Need to make some little time for each other..

Stay tune for the next update of my Photo a Day post!


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