I've just finish watching this series of TVB costume drama called " Sweetness in the Salt ", talking about salt traders in the olden days and about friendship and family... Kinda of nice but the ending is so - so...

And now.. I'm totally hooked to a current series called "E.U " aka The Police Academy III! In the drama.. I like the 2 main characthers.. Ron Ng and Sammuel Chan.. hahahahaha.. Just like the another show "Triumph in the skies", one of my fave...
A short intro of the above mention drama....
TVB新剧《学警狙击》是《学警》三部曲第三部,之前两辑《学警雄心》和《学警出更》收视都不错,这次《学警狙击》的 男主角依然是吴卓羲和陈键锋,不过女主角又发生了变化,先从第一部的薛凯琪、杨怡,到第二部的郭羡妮、容祖儿、徐子珊,再到《学警狙击》的周海媚、江若 琳、梁嘉琪。另外值得一提的是,苗侨伟本来在第一辑《学警雄心》已经殉职了,不过在《学警狙击》再度出现。
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