29 July 2009

Why woman own so many pairs of shoes??

I feel puzzle about this question as... i own quite a small collection of shoes.. ranging from flates, wedges, heels, comfy shoes to slippers!!! And I google to find out the accurate answer... as below..

Shoes generally display your personality and women generally have multiple personalities. We can be the 'knock around the house' bedroom shoe woman, the 'working in the flower garden' sneaker woman, the 'I don't care what I look like today, run to the grocery store' flip flop woman, the 'I need to lose weight', walking shoe woman , the 'I'm team soccer mom' running shoe woman, the 'I'm going to church' dress shoe woman, the 'It's summer already, I need a new pair of sandals' woman, the 'I've got a conference with my son's teacher', casual shoe woman, and the 'It's December, I'm gonna need some new boots' woman anytime we want and it changes almost daily.

So does that mean that we should have like 9 pairs of shoes for our nine different personalities? Ummm, NO. There are millions of different varieties of all of these shoes or 'personalities' and we don't wear the same outfit everyday. You can't wear black sandals with white capris, or red heels with a peach skirt, or Carolina blue running shoes with a green shirt.
Guys don't understand, they would wear the same outfit three days in a row if you didn't pick it up from the floor on their side of the bed and put it in the dirty clothes hamper. They wear sneakers to the beach and complain that 'sand is getting in their shoes.' They wear plain Jane
work boots
on a rainy day and complain that their 'feet got wet today.' You're getting ready to go town together and they complain because you didn't wash their sneakers and they have 'grass stains from mowing the lawn.' You go to a wedding together and you have to stop by the store and buy a box of bandaids because the shoes you had to buy him at the last minute is 'hurting their heels.'
If guys weren't so predictable and cared more about their appearances they just might broaden their horizons and get a closet full of 'personalities' too.
It takes a special kind of person to be a versatile woman of today, but it takes an even more special kind of man to overlook her 140 different 'personalities' that hog the closet and prevent the kids from playing hiding go seek under their bed.

Source: http://hubpages.com/hub/Why-do-women-own-so-many-pairs-of-shoes

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