Thanks to my itchy fingers and eye... I brought a new 35mm film camera!! Haha
I love the stars... so sweet!
I love the shape and it look so cute.. compare to holga it's totally different.. Now that I'm so into cameras, I realize that I'm taking less pictures.. =( I need more pictures to scrap! Must plan a dayout to take tons of photos!
Haiz.. I think I'll need to bring out my camera often and snap whenever I have the chance to snap! If {M} is around, each time we go out... there are bound to have many photos taken! Hmmm... Miss those days... But a year's time will fly pass very fast, and I'll get to see you soon! I look forward to the day when I fly over to visit you! hehe
P.s The Poloride camera that I'm eying is in stock.. Selling at $135..Hmmmm... I must restraint myself from buying another camera!!
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