01 January 2010

Welcome to 2010

My New Year Resolutions.

1. Live Love Laugh - Be cheerful n happy at all times

2. De -Clutter - Need to tidy up my room! Esp after i scrap!! hehehe

3.Save more - This is my all time resolution, but always seems to be abit lacking!! hmmm Ok! I'm going to have more discipline saving from now on!!

4. Let my creativity juice flow!! - right now, i have more hobbies on hand. Beside scrapping, i'm into photography and bling bling project!

5. Be on time - i tend to oversee time. so this year, need to be on time.

6. Be fit! - Exercise more often. In 2009, i only exercise once a week.. This year got to increase to twice a week!

7. Travel solo - something that i would like to try!

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