11 May 2011

Danbo! Cardboard Robot

I've been a fan of this little cute for quite awhile when i come across a photographer's blog / Flickr and saw the photographs taken on this little cute.. And now! Finally.... i own one!

This amazon version is produced in Japan.. and how i purchased it? Thank goodness for Ebay!
Paid for this paid and within 7 working days, this little danbo arrived at my letterbox! Elated!

In case you all wonder what is this Danbo all about....

Danbo is made from cardboard. Azuma Kiyohiko, the writer of Yotsuba, created this character to appear once in the comic. He has unique expressions which has attracted many photographers in the world to make him as the object of their photos. Furthermore, Danbo can be posed easily according to the concept of their photos.

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