13 July 2011

Eye candy... { Fujifilm Instax 210}

Currently my eye candy for poloriod camera! - FUJIFILM INSTAX 210

- It's wide angle
- 2x bigger than the credit card size
- Can take group photos.

I can't list enough Pros to get my hands on this camera. But I already have a mini instax 7s and Im quite happy with it..

Asked BF's opion and he says that if i purchase this, than what are you going to do with 7s?  It's 2 camera of the same genre, just that it's wide angle. So he's on the side of - DO NOT PURCHASE.

Hmmmm.... BF has a point there too.. meaning that each time Im on instax photography trip, I have to bring 2 cameras out. So leh chey...

Perhaps I shall think carefully...

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