25 September 2011

Dressing styles

I think every now and then, every girl will stand in front of her wardrobe and say out loud that she don't have enough tops/dress/bottoms to wear for work/school/party/dates even thought her cardboard is full of clothings.

Well, I'm just one of them! Yup... guess because I always like to buy similar styles of clothing thus making me feel like I don't have enough top to mix and match...

So I've decided to make a slight changes to my wardrobe... add in a few more new additions with the help of online shopping! Yup, Forever 21, Old Navy, American Eagle and many more are some of my favourite brands. And i still do shop in local store.. And now that i've found a shop in Far East Plaza that sells dresses that will fit me. Maybe some of my friends will start to see me wear more dresses.. =)

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