28 April 2013

To my horror!!!

Once in a while, I will read thru my older post as they always bring back fond memories.

So today I logged in and realized 2 of my pictures on the right hand side sidebar was missing. Checked some of my older blogpost and realised all the photos are missing too!!! And honestly, I have no way of backing them up and some were taken from my phone and some were so long ago that I have probably deleted it away!!!!!!

Blogspot!! Why are you giving me such headache???!!! If there were to happened again, I will move my blog over to Wordpress!

Source: Goggle
To make it worst.. I just paid my annual storage fee for blogspot!! Argh~~~

I will try to recover as many photos as possible... Wonder who would like to read a blog without photographs! In the meantime, I shall explore my option on moving to wordpress!

Have a great day!


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