11 November 2012

Wedding preparation: Filed! + Hair Trial

Yesterday night both Mr Lee and I finally have the time to sit down together and do our filing of the marriage!!!

Supposed to filed this in October but Mr Lee was kinda busy and I was busy settling other stuffs of the wedding..

For filing of marriage, couples will have to serve the 21 days notice, if case anyone objects (which i highly doubt it).. hehe.. The earliest we can file our notice is 5th Oct and latest date was 10th Dec 2012.

Previously we have already gotten our JP's license number, met up with him and he has signed the consent letter. Once you have that in order, next thing is to prepare 2 witness IC number. For both of us, get our mothers to be our witness.

Finally we settled this important step of getting married! Countdown to another 1 month and 20 days!!

Tomorrow I'll heading to Sattine for my hair trial and Mr Lee's jacket and pants selections.

I've collated afew hair styles that I love and I hope that these hairstyle can suit my wedding gowns!

Side Sweep Hair Do

Up-do hair styles

So many different styles.... I don't know which kind!!

Can't wait for my hair trial tomorrow!!


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