29 March 2012

Settled 1 item off the wedding checklist

Yeah!! At least 1 item off the many many never ending list of wedding check list!


As I want all my bridal stuffs to be a-la cart so i went out to source for a really good and affordable photographer for pre wedding. Initially wanted to go to Hongkong for pre wed photos but after a detailed calculation, cost almost come up to 5K which we both think that it's way to expensive!  And can't be sure that the pre wed style will be what I like.

I've always like vintage style photography.. so went I come across "Oh, dear! photography" I'm elated! So I went to drop an email to check out their price. Was surprised to received their quotation cos it's really affordable and their style is what I like!!
 So after many emails later, we have book a slot and also made the deposit payment... 

Which means..... we have CONFIRMED our photographer!!! Yeah!

Oh, dear! photography is the one!! (^__^v)

Melody, the owner of this company is sooooo popular that she's fully booked all the way till Jul'12... So I managed to book a session with on the 1st Sept! Giving me 6 mths time to search for a wedding dress, go on diet, props and make up artist!

Below are some of my favourite photos from her website!

All images are from Oh,Dear! Photography...


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