26 November 2014

30 is the new 20!

Well... here's the hard truth! I've turn 30 years old this month...
However,in my heart, I still feel like I'm in my late twenties (self denial mode on)..

Guess now is the best time to recap what I've done in my twenties..
  • worked full time and support myself
  • travel to places (I traveled alone from Singapore to States when I was 25~26)
  • got my Diploma
  • got my driving license (pass it on my 2nd attempt)
  • get out of a shitty relationship
  • met an awesome guy (who is my husband now)
  • have the courage to quit my job and look for a better one
  • picked up new hobbies (scrapbook & photography)
  • got engaged & married to my awesome husband
  • reconcile with my late father & know some of my relatives
  • got pregnant 
  • become a mother at 29 years old
  • bought our first car
  • bought our first home
I guess each experience in life make me grown a bit wiser.. However out of all these I still have my bad habits. Stuffs like saving money, discipline in attending regular yoga classes, eat healthy and controlling my temper especially when I'm pek chey..

Trying my best to change each bad habits cause I now have a daughter who will look up to me as an example. I definitely do not want her to follow my bad habits.

Having mid week crisis...


11 November 2014

Whats like to be a mother?

Now that I'm a mother to Dani.. I often felt guilty for leaving her with a nanny and scoot myself off to work on weekdays. I am also consume with guilt whenever I leave her with the nanny on certain Saturdays while I have that little "Me" time for myself.

Sometime the guilty feeling is super bad especially when its time to fetch Danielle and the moment she sees me, her face lit up with a super bright toothless smile, super excited with her legs kicking and arms lifted up, just can't wait for me to carry her!!

But being a mother brings me indescribable joy when my daughter smile at me the first thing she wakes up. Calls me "mama". The only person that could give her comfort and make her stop crying!

I often wonder if I should switch my full time work to part time? But my dilemma starts... I can't live with myself not having that power of earning a decent pay cheque. I can't see myself, waiting patiently each month for my hub to give me that certain amount for house expenses.

I ever thought of doing things that I love.. I toyed with the idea of being a freelance natural light photographer. But my skills aren't quite there yet. So is my photo editing skills. But there is a soft voice in my heart that says... "Someday, I will do what I love." I do hope that someday I have to courage to work towards my dream!

Oooh.. I've just realised that I'm turning to big 3 in just 2 days time!!! And I managed to do my nails for the first time after I've given birth!!

Uber cute, Mickey & Minnie Mouse gelish nail art!
Managed to take leave on my birthday and I've plan some real leisure treats for myself!!

Right now, its' time for me to hit the sack!
