19 April 2012

Checklist for my upcoming trip!!

Yuppie!! Another 2.5 weeks to go and I'm off to my holiday trip with my gal friend, S.
Take at the Largos Hotel Life @ HK Trip 2010

This is our 2nd trip together to Hongkong!!! Am looking forward to this trip as I'm going to HK with 2 intentions...
1) to purchase my wedding stuffs (eg, tea set,dowry set,decor,shoes...etc)
2) Finally a visit to Macau

So a checklist of what we are suppose to do before flying off..

1) Plan our itinary - CHECKED
2) Change HK currency
3) Purchase travel insurance - CHECKED
4) Ensure Passport validity date - CHECKED
5) Prepare & Pack all necessary documents (eg, E-ticket, Hotel comfirmation) - CHECKED
6) Pack my luggage

See from my list... 2 more items to be check off! These can be done another week.
Am hopping that HK currency is good! Check today's rate @ DBS bank website.. SG$1 - HK$6.13
Wonder if it will go up to HK$6.20??


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