21 January 2013

Jan 2013: Photo a Day (Part 2)

Okay... continue from where I left off...

Like previous post, I mention that Fat Mum Slim has a monthly "Photo A Day" chargenlleng which I dedcided to try out and hopefully I'm discipline to complete all of the task till end of Jan...

Day 7: Street

Walking distance between our office.... 

Day 8:Something beginning with "T"

My carebear collection since I was 17 years old!

Day 9: Paper

Using all the papers that I bought for wedding to do pin wheels and paper rosette...

Day 10: One' oclock

My usual timing on weekends when I just wake up and eat brunch at home..

Day 11: Water

Everyday I try to drink at least 1.5l of water.... 
Okay... that's all for now...

Super super back log on this! I will be discipline enough to complete Jan and get on time for Feb's photo a day!!


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