23 April 2012


Yes.. My wedding is coming soon..

Those who read my blog will know that I'm in the midst of preparing my wedding.
It's really a very stressful and exciting journey... more exciting for me cos it's a girl's ultimate dream to plan her own wedding! Stressful part belongs to bf cos he's the paymaster. hahahaha

I have been in love with this song since i heard it online. Lyrics are super touching...

作曲:林健華 張繼聰
編曲:Goro Wong

誰跟我 結伴一生旅行
在這個大日子中 一起靠緊
最閃婚戒 原來就在心
鐘聲剎那 疑幻亦真
用一吻 捕我靈魂

從陌生到走近 愛上你這是緣份
南極光到海角 大峽谷底聽愛的聲音
雪地走到赤道 也繽紛

誰跟我 發誓一生結盟
在這個大日子中 一起靠緊

在相簿裡 你和我合襯
婚紗襯托 神聖肉身
白黑配 就似鍵琴
從陌生到走近 愛上你註定無憾
神殿中去應允 在教堂獻上我的一生
世事轉變無常 也不分

誰跟我 看著星光醉人
在這個大日子中 找到最真

Wedding planning  may be stressful and fraustrating but thru these we learn to compromise and make each other see and listen to our points. It may not be very smooth sailing planning our wedding due to budget constrains. But still I learn to enjoy all these cos planning our wedding together is the very first step to our future daily life where we need to compromise and learn more about each other's likes and dislikes...

I've nothing much to say... but that I'm very bliss and happily in love!

*Am going to confirm my bridal shop next week! Hope everything can goes well!! *


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