22 February 2013

Good news??!

These past weeks.... Mr Lee and I keep wondering...

Am I pregnant??

Well, both of us loves kids! Though I secretly hope that I have the time to enjoy  for at least 1 year of newlywed life before embarking to Parenthood. 

However, Mr Lee is quite excited to have a kid. To him, he thinks that it's better for us to have our No 1. kid before the big 3's hit us and also take this chance when both our parents are still young and have energy to help us look after the kid if need be.

So I thought okay...why not? If its God's will to gift us a kid than I will accept it. But if its not, than baby will arrive later.

So when my period is due and nothing arrive... I thought, "Hmm... maybe it's slightly late?!". But it's almost 1 week due and I still haven't have my period.. So I thought okay, let's go and buy a test kit and check.

So I went to Watson's to get this.. my BFF who is a mother of 3 recommend this brand. It's so expensive! $16.50 for just 1 stick! (-__-")

Tested it this morning before I get ready for work... I guess the night before Mr Lee is quite excited about the result that he couldn't sleep. He seems all ready for a kid..

Ok, back to the result....

The faint marking but it's confirm "Negative"
It's negative.. I'm not pregnant!
Boy, a few of my friends are actually disappointed! They can't wait to be my kid's godma! Hahaha

Period is still overdue and I'm not sure if I'm really pregnant or not. So I decided that if period still refuse to arrive in March. I'm going to a doctor to check!

So in the meantime.. I'm going to be very health conscience. More exercises, no cold beverages and no more un unhealthy food!!

Let's wait for my GOOD NEWS!

TIGF to all!!


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