14 September 2013

Hey there! A little update on myself!

It's rather rare for me these to have the energy to sit down and start to type out my post.. cause ever since I got preggy, my energy level is just super low. All I want to do is eat and sleep especially when its on a weekend.

So here is a little update on my baby bump

Week: 16th & 4 days

Baby Size: Of an avocado

Length: About 11cm from head to heel

Weight: Last I checked, I gain about 1.5kg. 

Craving: Sour & Sweets stuffs (Eg, Tom Yam, Mee Siam, Yoghurt, Cranberry Juice and Kiwi)

Sickness: As I entered my 2nd trimester, I said "goodbye" to my nausea feeling which I constantly have when I was in my 1st trimester. However, I seems to have this nagging headache that is constantly bugging me. The pain is still bearable which if i concentrate on other stuffs, I will forget about the ache.

Guess it's time for me to go for neck and shoulder massage! 

Prenatal Preparation: I've been contemplating to sign up for prenatal yoga... but I kinda of lazy. Cause the center is at Tanglin Mall and I worked at Bencoolen Street... Not exactly the easiest way to go there. So I'm still considering thought I can start to join anytime now.

I tried to let baby listen to more music (Eg, Jazz, Classical, New Age and Bosa Nova) and I picked up reading again. So before bedtime, I will read my novels and listen to music for baby's simulation. And on alternate days, I catch up on my TV drama. =)

My current favourite. 
Recently I'm abit lazy and lag on my scrapbooking pages.. which I will try to catch up as soon as I have that little burst of energy again! 

Did I mention my baby's gender yet? Hehehe...  Keep it a little secret first cause I am scheduled for my 20 weeks screening in a month's time. Which then we will have a confirmation of our baby's gender...

So excitied and I can't wait to see baby via the ultrasound again! 

Have a great weekend!


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