05 February 2015

1st year as a mother

Today marks my first year as a mother. Guess till one is a mother, you will never forget the day you went into labour. Thank fully for epidural.. I had a almost painless labour.

Our lives has change with her arrival. Yes, there are those days / nights when it's tough. To soothe a cranky baby when you only have a few hours of sleep. To exercise those patience when we don't know what Danielle wants and keep whining and crying.

There those nights where Danielle sleep through the night.. I got a good solid 6 - 8 hours sleep.
And those first milestones that she hits. The first time she calls, Mama and Papa.

And now that we are a parent for 12 months, I think my patience level up abit. My knowledge on Danielle has increased. I know what she likes and don't like. What makes her tickle and laugh. And my hug as her comfort and soothe and ease her pain or fears.

Being a mother for 12 months, I often wonder how can someone so small yet hold my heart to tightly?

This quote is exactly how i feel.. I guess all mothers will feel the same.

Took childcare leave today to spend some time with Danielle and I hope to bring her to the indoor playground to play.

Hopefully her flu is getting better...


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