08 October 2013

Baby updates at Week 20

I've finally reached the half way point of my pregnancy. So far it has been a wonderful experience.

I'm glad that I didn't have to experience all the morning sickness and other discomfort that pregnancy will cause. As usual, constipation has been around since before my pregnancy but I've made an effort to drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits hence I believe it's slightly better now than before my pregnancy.

On occasion, I've experience heartburn but that happens when I eat and lay down immediately. So now I try to walk around or sit up for awhile before I lay down.

My bump at week 20
So here's a little update on my baby and me!

Week: 20 weeks and 2 days!

Size of baby: Bannana

Length & Weight of baby: I'm scheduled for my FA scan tomorrow so not too sure about my baby's growth! But I sure can feel her/his kicks! It's getting stronger and alot more active! Usually at night or maybe when my husband is around. Baby loves to hear papa's voice and guitar playing.

Something quite amusing, my baby never fails to nudge or kick me whenever my hubby plays "Isn't She Lovely" on the guitar! Maybe is it a hint to us that our little one is a GIRL???!!!

Craving: As usual, I crave for yogurt, sushi and bread!!!

It's been a while since I had LJS breakfast!!

Healthy lunch.. i would say... hehehe!

Recently I went to Baby Fair 2013 @ Expo!! First time entering baby fair and my goodness! I experience the worst cause it's sooooo crowded! Mothers are all pushing their prams within the narrow walkway / passageway. Kan chiong fathers / mothers are pushing their way thru to get their goodies and didn't even bother to see if they knock down any preggies mummies!!

I almost fall and my tummy got knock by one or two people until I got so pissed off that I refuse to walk any further in and decided to get what I came for and get my brother to help me qued up and make payment.

Will post on what I've purchased during the Baby Fair on my next post!!

Excited to see my little one tomorrow.

See ya!!


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